GK2364 CCSP-Certified Cloud Security Professional – Certification Preparation

NOK 43.500


2022 Update – Gain core knowledge and experience in cloud security architecture, design, operations, and service orchestration in this best-of-breed CCSP exam prep course.
This course is the most comprehensive review of cloud security concepts and industry best practices covering the six domains of the CCSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK®). You will gain knowledge in identifying the types of controls necessary to administer various levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, with regard to securing data in the cloud. You will identify the virtual and physical components of the cloud infrastructure with regard to risk management analysis, including tools and techniques necessary for maintaining a secure cloud infrastructure. You will gain an understanding in cloud software assurance and validation, utilizing secure software, and the controls necessary for developing secure cloud environments. You will identify privacy issues and audit processes utilized within a cloud environment, including auditing controls, assurance issues, and the specific reporting attributes.

Kurskode: GK2364 Kategorier: , Stikkord:

In-depth coverage of the six domains required to pass the CCSP exam:

• Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design
• Cloud Data Security
• Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security
• Cloud Application Security
• Cloud Security Operations
• Legal, Risk, and Compliance


• Anyone whose position requires CCSP certification
• Anyone whose position requires CCSP certification
• Individuals whose responsibilities involve procuring, securing, and managing cloud environments or purchased cloud services
• Expert-level certification

• Experienced information security professionals with at least five-seven years of IT experience, including three years of information security and at least one year of cloud security experience.
• CISSP Certification Prep Course is also highly recommended (9803)

• Chapter 1: Architectural Concepts
• Chapter 2: Data Classification
• Chapter 3: Cloud Data Security
• Chapter 4: Security in the Cloud
• Chapter 5: Cloud Platform, Infrastructure, and Operational Security
• Chapter 6: Cloud Application Security
• Chapter 7: Operations Elements
• Chapter 8: Operations Management
• Chapter 9: Legal and Compliance Issues
• Chapter 10: Cloud Vendor Management

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