TSG_IA Introduction to Automation Testing

NOK 9.900

Kurskode: TSG_IA Kategorier: ,

Using a mix of classroom presentation, instructor-led discussion and individual practical exercises, this one-day course has been designed to provide testers with good, basic understanding of test automation.
This one-day course covers the following topics:
What is test automation?
When to automate and when not to automate.
Automation approaches including frameworks, platform tools and simple record and replay.
Demonstration of some of the tools that are available.

The course objectives are to provide delegates with a good understanding of how to select the most appropriate automation tool plan, prepare, and execute a test automation project.
Should the delegates wish to learn about any of the automation tools in mor edetail on completion of this introduction, TSG has a number of tool-specific courses available. Details are available on request.


The Introduction to Test Automation course is principally aimed at test practitioners who would like to understand more about automation tools and techniques before deciding on a test tool and embarking on an automation project.

Attendees should have at least 12 months' experience of system testing. Some experience of writing code in a language such as Java or C++ would be useful, but isn't essential.Delegates will need to bring along their own laptops for the course, be able to install Chrome as a browser and be able to add browser plug-ins as this course uses either Katalon Recorder or Selenium IDE for the hands-on practice exercises.

Syllabus – Key points:
Introduction to test automation.
When automation is appropriate and when it's not for:

• Test-driven development and continuous integration
• System testing
• Automated regression testing and selecting tests for automation.
User Acceptance Test
Creating test data.
Selecting the tests that are best suited to automation
Calculating the return on investment when automating:

• Cost of tools versus east of use
• Skills required to use
• Estimating the cost of developing the automating tests
• Estimating the cost of maintaining the tests
• Looking at how often the tests will be executed
• How to select the most appropriate tool or tools for a project
Overview of some of th eautomation tools that are available
Practical demonstrations:

• Selenium IDE – Simple record and replay
• Odin Axe – using an automation platform to create automated tets using keywords
• Hands-on practical session using Selenium IDE
Q&A and close.

ISTQB Foundation, ISTQB Foundation – Model Based Testing Extension, ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer



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